Improve student success and retention through AI-based learning analytics.

  • We help elementary teachers grade consistently

  • We help personalize content for high-school students

  • We help keep university students on track

Monitoring Location

Student success agent

The student success agent provides the administrative team with qualitative and quantitive feedback on each interaction with a student over time. Interactions are recorded in the telephony system and stored in a Leadsquared CRM.

Lady sitting at a desk
User icon

1. Context

Student interactions accessed via Leadsquared CRM.

Clipboard icon

2. Task

Analyses and scores student interactions:

  • Listening skills

  • Problem solving

  • Communication skills

  • Accuracy of information

  • Efficiency

Badge icon

3. Action

Student information, metadata, rubric score to Leadersquared CRM.

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Student Curriculum agent

The student success agent provides the administrative team with qualitative and quantitive feedback on each interaction with a student over time. Interactions are recorded in the telephony system and stored in a Leadsquared CRM.

Man with a laptop
PDF icon

1. Context

Course curriculum components including student workbooks and instruction manuals, all in PDF format.

2. Task

Analyze document structure in large documents and provide a standardized output for that course structure. Documents are similar, not identical therefore traditional document parsing would not work.

3. Action

Provides a YAML/JSON output of the document structure fully broken down and prepared to upload into an application. All content and metadata are provided automatically.

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Auto-grade agent

Person with a phone
PDF icon

1. Context

  • All prior questions

  • Submissions

  • Historic examples and grading as performed by human teachers

  • Answer key and database

  • Historic student answers

  • Current student answers

2. Task

  • Automatically grades student work output based upon a database of all prior submission.

  • Types of student answers: tables, single words, 'drawing' (good lord), sentences, long-answers.

3. Action

  • The auto-grade agent will output personalized grading information and communicate the information to the learning management system.

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Education agents

Integration of AI into operations is expensive. Customizable iClerk AI Agents require no coding and help with tasks automatically for a lower cost.

Accessibility Agent
notes, captions, multi-lingual transcripts
Student Retention Agent
private IP and knowledge agents
Enrollment Agent
reduce sales review by 80%
Policy Agent
multi-factoring, quality assurance
Guy looking at the stars
App Installation

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We have deployed agents that work in many industries such as insurance, education, healthcare, and sales, let us show you what we can do for you!