The integration of AI into operational systems is expensive for insurance companies.

We summarize, categorize, and allow you to chat and search across all your sales calls.

We track and summarize what policies have changed and notify the proper customers automatically.

Monitoring Location

AI agents that perform repetitive and impossible tasks in your insurance business

Optimise call management and enhance record-keeping with the call research agent. This AI-powered tool classifies, organizes, and archives insurance sales calls efficiently.

Two people on a bench
Phone icon

1. Data Input

Incoming and outgoing insurance phone calls.

Search document icon

2. Process

Classifies sales calls and other types of calls, group calls from the same customer, an provides a searchable report on call content. Includes a chat interface to access all calls.

Archive icon

3. Action

Archives all categorized calls for ten years, ensuring compliance and easy retrieval.

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Insurance agents

Integration of AI into operations is expensive for companies. Customizable iClerk AI Agents require no coding and help with tasks automatically for a lower cost. We summarize, categorize, and allow you to chat and search across all your sales calls. We track and summarize what policies have changed and notify the proper customers automatically.

Accessibility Agent
notes, captions, multi-lingual transcripts
Knowledge/IP Agents
private IP and knowledge agents
Video Highlight Agents
reduce sales review by 80%
Classification Agents
multi-factoring, quality assurance
agents run automatically
Report Generation
forms, docs, reports, API’s
Schedule Demo
Person with a phone

Call Research Agent Workflow

Optimise call management and enhance record-keeping with the call research agent.
This AI-powered tool classifies, organizes, and archives insurance sales calls efficiently.

Automate manual workflows


Produce More Deliverables
Imagine what you could achieve


Deliver Faster
Save precious hours every day


Higher Quality Results
Provide superior service

Find Achievement


Integration of AI into operations is expensive for companies.
Customizable iClerk AI Agents require no coding and help with tasks automatically for a lower cost.

Register Account

Integration name

Proprietary SpeakerID & diarization, long-term memory; designed for enterprise security to provide cross-platform access to content

App Installation

Schedule a demo

We have deployed agents that work in many industries such as insurance, education, healthcare, and sales, let us show you what we can do for you!